Today was official "Get Lucas a bike or scooter" day. He wanted a white one. Then it had to be red, then it needed to be blue. A blue one and nothing else would matter. So, we looked at the scooters, he changed his mind I guess because he saw the blue bike and never got off of it. So we left Toys R Us with a blue bike for Lucas, a Lightening McQueen helmet, a bag of marbles and a Gremlin for Dom. Phew! I really dislike going into that place because it always feels like its a million degrees in there, not to mention its always impossible finding an employee in there, but we made it. After that, frozen yogurt was in order. It was yum! Now we are home to put the bike together because they wouldn't let us buy the display...bummer. {for Nico} Ill have something to show later of Lucas and his new blue bike!