getting married, but, I don't even like calling her an "ex" sister in law. She was once married
to my brother but after they divorced, I don't think I could ever look at Debby as anything but a
sister to me, she has been a part of my life since I was a little girl and to me, she will always
be my sister. And she will always be my kids auntie!
She and Dan had a nice smaller intimate wedding with their closest family and friends in attendance!
Yahhhh! I got to be there!
They were married at the Escondido Country Club and the sun was at it's highest peak right during
their ceremony I think! Phew, it was HOT! {and so were the couple getting married}.
This was just a really special day. Both deserve such happiness!
They celebrated their wedding by flying off to Hawaii the next day!
Look at the sweetness
{I have realised that I am not one for short photo blogs, it's too hard to narrow things down}

Deb and her sister getting prettier

Debbys son/my nephew Michael and his wifie Jackie

Mama of the bride

Oi was it hot!

Debby and her Dad

the sun was blinding!

Dans sons

Debby's dad and little bro