These pictures have a little something extra special to them.
They are of my niece Kaylee. She is going to be graduating this June.
She wanted me to take her senior pictures and like I'm going to say no.
We planned to meet in Temecula at her other aunties house who lives in such
a gorgeous area totally surrounded by vineyards....gorgeous!
Kaylee is the big sister to Jacob, Julia and Kolby...and after doing this session
and looking at her lovely little face, It's crazy how much she resembles Alyssa.
I see Alyssa in so many of her facial expressions. She's such a lovely God loving
young lady. Big things are coming your way Kaylee! *Brenna made it into this session
as you will see, Susan {Kaylee's mama, Kaylee, Brenna and myself all had such a fun
time} LOVE how the entire day turned out.
This blog is extra big, which I realize I say that alot but it's always just so hard
to pick and choose.
I love you Kaylee.