I've been feeling heavy-hearted this past week, missing Alyssa and crying alot.
I looked at my calendar from last year and realized why. This week a year ago Nico and I
got a call telling us that Alyssa was in a hospital in Oregon after suffering a heart attack.
Those kinds of phone calls are so rattling. We knew it wasn't a call with good news. Nico and I
rushed into panic mode and figured out how we were going to get to Oregon to be with Alyssa.
We ended up driving, making a pit stop in San Fran to drop off Dominic and Lucas with our family/friends.
Nico and I have never gone away alone together since getting married...and this trip was a trip that
we wished we never had to make. Our girl, our 21 year old girl was laying in a medically induced coma
and alone. We finally arrived in Oregon and rushed to be by her side...I remember walking into the room
and seeing her little tiny frame in what looked like such a huge bed and she was covered with tubes, wires,
beeping noises, charts, and she had her own nurse who sat right next to her watching a computer that was
telling her everything about Alyssas rates and levels.
I remember standing there just looking at her begging to God to let this be something that saves her
in the long run, let this be the thing that gets the Dr's on our side, let this be the instance that
will bring her to some help with what she was going through.
Ive never really come right out and talked about it because I have always wanted to protect her from
looks and comments, she looked terribly fragile on the outside but her inside was a hundred times more
delicate. My gosh was she an amazingly funny girl...I sit and think back at so many things that she used
to say, I mean, we had so many inside jokes and one-liners. She was always trying to catch a break, always
trying to go somewhere....uphill...both ways...all she ever wanted was her own little place, her own space,
her art, her family and to one day be able to not think about throwing up.
My girl was a fighter. I was a fighter for her, we are both fighters. I always hid things for her, not
that she would ask me to, but if I took pictures of her, I would erase scars, the traces and marks on her
arms that showed she was a cutter. I remember the day that we were outside taking these pictures, I told her
not to worry, that I would cover the marks...and she said to me, "Mom, they are a part of me, they are proof
to me that I hurt and that is how I dealt with it..." Oh Lyss.