Those of you who know me and my family know that we lost our daughter Alyssa on October 16th. Tonight we will be celebrating her life with friends and family and will be sending lanterns up into the sky, with wishes, kisses, hugs and love attached to them. This is the video I made for tonight..for those of you who can't be there, I know in spirit you are there. We love you and are so grateful for the amazing people God has surrounded us with, we could never say thank you enough.
Alyssa is singing in the first song...I found this little clip that she had recorded on my phone, talk about a major gift, everytime I hear it, I cry. Brenna is singing the second song, its a song she wrote to Alyssa after we lost her.
It is a comfort to know that we are not alone in this, we are not walking alone down this path that our family has been forced to walk. We love you!