Where do I begin when speaking of this wonderful lady and her family? I met Eve when I first moved back to California from Florida, and I am not even sure how she found me down in San Diego while I was living up in Big Bear but somehow she did. She contacted me about doing a session of generations for her and the women in her family. I remember that day perfectly. Eve and her daughter met me at Balboa Park with her mom, her Grandmother and her aunt. Ever since that day we have remained friends. She has led me to so many loving and kind people, friends of hers who I have also gotten the privilege to take pictures of as well. She is one of those people who is an encourager, all the way across the board that is what she does, she pumps you up, she get's you excited and she leaves you feeling like she completely believes in you and anything that you are trying to accomplish. I see her be that way with her children too. She has lovely children. I love that she and her husband seem to surround both of their children with art and music, books, travel, etc. Theirs is a colorful world and I love that about them. One of the many things. Last week I went to their house and spent a little part of the afternoon with them, in their comfort zone, their element. Can I just say that I love their home? I love their realness. There is no fussing over the kids getting dirty or their hair messing up, it was just them, in their home, doing what they do. Props to the music playing the entire time I was there as well. There was a running soundtrack to their session and the instruments were played. I love that there are rainbows all over the house made by all of the crystals left hanging around from Eccos rainbow birthday party, and that they got into their bathtub to take pictures. There were hotdogs and peaches and alot of love. I love what they have done to their house, all of the little cool things about it. I love that their kids play on a stage, at least thats what I am calling it. I love that their daddy made them a rock climbing wall in the backyard.I love that Ecco sang to me in French. I love that their house is green. I love that as I walked around their house I saw so many pictures that I have gotten to take of all of them. They even sent me home with a banjo right off their wall for my son Corbin to play, which he did that very day! In a nutshell, I just love them. This is a packed full blog of my time with them. A little afternoon story.