You might remember...

So here she is looking completely squeezable, adorable and delicious! Can you tell her mom and dad kind of dig her?
I think they are both smitten.
I went to their house on Saturday afternoon joined by my second shooter/baby handler Brenna and we had
such an awesome time. Tony and Dina are always fun to shoot because they are up for anything.
We even managed to get Tony in Sam's crib with her. He REALLY got into her crib and played his guitar
for his sweet baby Sam. I think she likes him.
They are such a cute little happy family.
In home sessions are always my favorites. Everyone is always so comfortable in their own surroundings.
I just love the unplanned and unposed stuff.
I love love love them!
She is here finally right Dina? I watched Dina update her Facebook status's counting down the days to when
she would get to see her little baby girl, begging for the days to go by quicker, aching to hold her, and now...
Im almost positive they haven't stopped holding her since she was born.
Enjoy you guys!

Yes! Dina snuck and gave Samantha rabbit ears when she wasn't looking...shhhhhh.
