She is a little sweetheart.
I got the chance to go to her house and follow her around
with my camera one morning. We looked at books, ran around,
she took a relaxing bubble bath after showing me around her house,
she ate some oatmeal and was ready for her morning nap!
My favorite kinds of sessions. Just the lives of my clients, doing what
they do. Eating breakfast, reading, running, playing, just being themselves.
Her mama is wonderful. She is one of those people that in just a few
email exchanges I felt like I had made a good friend. We talked about
our families and music and about Lucy's session.
Soon we are going to do a have another session...but with their whole
family. Daddy, Mommy and Lucy! I can't wait for that!
Thankyou for letting me come into your home and share a morning with

I think at this point Lucy was done with me.
