Geraldine asked if I would meet at her house last Saturday morning for a little session
in her backyard and around her house
before her day spent with her sister and mom. Both Geraldine and Chona were celebrating
their fun to be born so close to your sister! I have known both of them since I
was in 9th grade, we went to the same Christian School, and their mom is the sweet lady
who made the bridesmaids dresses for my wedding.
The love between these two sisters and the love that they share for their mother is so lucky they are. Their mom broke into tears just talking about what blessings
they both are to her, how so very thankful she is to have them in her life and what amazing
gifts they are.
Hug your mamas everyone. Hug your sisters.

Mia and her puppy...
While the girls were out getting pampered, Geraldines husband Josh was going to be
pulling dad duty! He was off to take the dog for a walk and then taking the girls to Chuckie
Cheese... { God bless his soul }.