So check out this sweet couple!
They are going to married in November which is one of my favorite months!
I have watched these two be lovey dovey with one another via Facebook for months
now, seen their funny Skype pictures of one another from their Skype chats they
have with one another due to living in two different states. She lives in California,
He lives in Jersey. After they marry, he is going to become a California transplant.
I am excited I get to shoot their wedding!
Check out their website, watch their countdown to their big day!
It was sooooo HOT during their session, fingers crossed the day of their wedding
the weather is kind to us all.
p.s. props to Robbie for wearing his "I love boobies" breast cancer awareness bracelet!
Don't forget everyone...this month is Breast Cancer Awareness month..don't forget to
feel your boobies and we have all had someone in our lives who we have lost or who is a
survivor of breast cancer...make sure you let them know how special they are!
