It's not very often that I post pictures of my own family but today is different.
I came across these pictures that I took of Nico awhile ago when we were living up in Big Bear, I remember we just came across this little spot and I had my camera, so, of course I took advantage of the moment and my gorgeous muse.
This guy....well, he's awesome, not pretty awesome, not pretty cool, he's straight up awesome and cool.
I've known him since I was 17 and have been with him nearly every single day since we met. After losing Alyssa this year, Nicos little look alike, I felt closer to him than ever before, I guess because she was a part of him. Half of me and half of her, although honestly, I think mostly him. Oh how she adored her daddy. I dislike very much that these brown eyes have had to cry so much these past months, that his heart had to shatter, that he had to say goodbye to her. He plays his guitar every single day after work, it's his way to deal I think. He felt loss at such a young age when he lost his mom in a car accident when he was only 10 and now knows the loss of losing his first born. He was addicted to Alyssa when she was a baby. We had so much fun when we were so young, newly married and with a new baby, one instance I will never forget was once we were driving somewhere and had gone thru the McDonalds drive-thru, we pulled away, and Nico and I over I dont even remember what got into an arguement and I was handing him his food and said, "Here, take your dumb fries" for so long after that, everytime Alyssa wanted french fries she would ask for dumb fries. Perfect example of how children are little sponges!
Two random facts about Nico and I, we both have a freckle on one of our eyes, both the same eye, and we both have a freckle on her top lips in the same spot...which makes me think of the song by The Postal Service..."Im thinking its a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned"