Lucy asked me to do a session with her Dad and her siblings, her dad has been really sick lately.
All during their session her dad spoke of the history surrounding the area, what kind of trees
were around us and mentioned numerous times how his days were numbered and that he was making
memories during the session. During all of this, the 3 year old twins were all over the place
with dollies, balls and lollies, they were being 3 years olds and what better way for them to be?
For this I am so happy that I was able to do these for Lucy in the midst of all the chasing the
twins, changing pull-ups,cleaning faces, chasing balls, it's always worth it as none of
us really knows how long we have with each other. Have pictures taken you guys! After losing Alyssa
I was SO incredibly thankful that I took a ton of pictures of her, I have so many to look back on
and am forever grateful for that. Don't wait around until you have the perfect outfits matched up
for everyone to wear, {don't let Pinterest warp your sense of reality} don't wait for your
son or daughter to get their braces off {embrace the braces} for that was a time in their lives
that you should also capture, don't wait until you loose the weight, or until you have a perfectly
clean house. I'm not about that, and would love nothing more than to come to your house, as it is,
as it looks on a Saturday morning with messy hair and breakfast crumbs still on the table. Don't
wait for "perfect" Just enjoy the moment and all of its messy gooey sticky crazy goodness